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Application Best Practice

An Application that complies with the Best Practice for Earth Observation Application Package needs to be:

  • Executable as a command-line tool.
  • Delivered in a container image with all the necessary software, libraries and configuration files.

Here we describe the best practices for Earth Observation applications:

  • the command line tools
  • how to consider input data, output data
  • how to create a containers

Command line

The Application is executed as a command-line interface (CLI) tool that runs as a non-interactive executable program: it receives input arguments, performs a computation, and terminates after producing some output.

The Application can have any number of command-line arguments.

When executed, the Application working directory is also the Application output directory. Any file created by the Application should be added under that directory.


Open the notebook 01 Command line


The environment, libraries, binaries and configuration files necessary to execute the command-line tools need to be bundled in a container image.

The example below shows how Docker, one of the available container engine solutions to deliver software in containers, defines all the necessary commands to assemble an image:


RUN pip install --no-cache-dir rasterio click pystac loguru pyproj shapely && \
    python -c "import rasterio"

ADD /app/



Open the notebook 02 Container

Requirement classes

Requirement 1 req/app/cmd-line

The Application SHALL be a non-interactive executable as a command-line application.

Requirement 2 req/app/container

The environment, libraries, binaries, executable and configuration files necessary to execute the Application SHALL be bundled in a container image.

Requirement 3 req/app/registry

The Application container image SHALL be accessible in a container registry.