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ZOO Project

The ZOO Project is an open-source platform designed for implementing and deploying geospatial processing services based on the OGC API - Processes standard.

It allows for the execution of complex geospatial workflows via web services, supporting interoperability by ensuring that various systems and tools can interact with the exposed processes regardless of the underlying technology.

The OGC API - Processes standard, which is the evolution of the Web Processing Service (WPS), brings a more modern, flexible, and RESTful approach to managing and executing geospatial processes over the web.

Zoo aims at ensuring that processing tasks follow the FAIR principles: Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reproducible.

The ZOO-Project supports the "OGC API - Processes" and implements the Web Processing Service (WPS) standards WPS 1.0.0 and WPS 2.0.0 edited by the OGC.

More information on the ZOO-Project can be found on the official website: