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Generate the Application Package with the inline code

Update the Application Package template workflow.cwl.template with the Python as the inline code to run:

content=`cat` yq eval '.$graph[1].requirements.InitialWorkDirRequirement.listing[0].entry=strenv(content)' workflow.cwl.template > workflow.cwl

Here's a breakdown of the command:

  • cat This command outputs the contents of the file.

  • yq eval '.$graph[1].requirements.InitialWorkDirRequirement.listing[0].entry=strenv(content)' workflow.cwl.template: This command uses yq to evaluate a YAML expression on the workflow.cwl.template file. The expression modifies the entry at a specific path in the CWL InitialWorkDirRequirement, setting it to the content of

  • > workflow.cwl: This part of the command redirects the modified output to a new file named workflow.cwl.