This page provides guidance on how to run the hands-on modules using minikube.
- Operating System: A compatible OS (Linux, macOS, or Windows). If using Windows, WSL2 is recommended for compatibility.
- Virtualization Support: Ensure virtualization is enabled in the BIOS/UEFI settings, as it's required for running Minikube or Docker.
Installation Steps
Install Docker
- Linux: Follow Docker's installation guide.
- macOS and Windows: Install Docker Desktop.
Install Minikube
Download Minikube from the official site.
Follow the installation instructions based on the OS.
- macOS:
brew install minikube
- Linux: Use the binary or package manager (e.g., apt for Ubuntu).
- Windows: Install using Chocolatey:
choco install minikube
Install Kubectl
Download the kubectl
binary from Kubernetes' official site.
Alternatively, use a package manager:
- macOS:
brew install kubectl
- Linux:
sudo apt-get install -y kubectl
(debian based) - Windows:
choco install kubernetes-cli
Install Skaffold
Follow the installation steps from Skaffold’s official documentation.
- macOS:
brew install skaffold
- Linux: Download the binary and move it to /usr/local/bin/.
- Windows: Use Chocolatey:
choco install skaffold
Install Helm
Follow the installation steps from Helm's official documentation
- macOS:
brew install helm
- Linux: Follow Helm's installation guide.
- Windows:
choco install kubernetes-helm
Set Up Minikube
Start Minikube: minikube start
Verify it’s running: kubectl get nodes
If necessary, specify a driver (e.g., Docker): minikube start --driver=docker
Deploy the module
Create the namespace with:
kubectl create ns eoap-quickwin
Type skaffold dev -p coder
This prints:
No tags generated
Starting deploy...
- deployment.apps/code-server-deployment created
- persistentvolumeclaim/code-server-pvc created
- service/code-server-service created
- configmap/init created
- configmap/bash-rc created
- configmap/bash-login created
- serviceaccount/localstack created
- created
- created
- service/localstack created
- deployment.apps/localstack created
Waiting for deployments to stabilize...
Deployments stabilized in 26.042192ms
Starting post-deploy hooks...
Waiting for deployment and pod to be running...
Deployment replicas:
Pod status: Pending
Waiting for deployment and pod to be running...
Deployment replicas: 1
Pod status: Running
Deployment with label app=code-server is running and a pod is in Running state
Completed post-deploy hooks
Port forwarding service/code-server-service in namespace eoap-quickwin, remote port 8080 ->
No artifacts found to watch
Press Ctrl+C to exit
Watching for changes...
Open your browser on the link printed in the log