Reading data staged-in
Open notebook "01 EO Products as Input Data.ipynb" to run a hands-on exercise on reading staged data.
Inspecting results to be staged-out
Open notebook "02 EO Products as Output Data.ipynb" to run a hands-on exercise on inspecting results to be staged-out
Running individual command-line tools for data stage-in, application and results stage-out
Open notebook "03 Platform Data Management CLI.ipynb to run individual command-line tools for data stage-in, application and results stage-out
Running individual command-line tools for data stage-in, application and results stage-out with CWL
Open notebook "04 Platform Data Management CWL.ipynb" to run individual command-line tools for data stage-in, application and results stage-out with CWL
Wrapping an Application Package using EOEPCA's cwl-wrapper
Open notebook "05 Platform Data Management Application Wrapping.ipynb" to wrap an Application Package using EOEPCA's cwl-wrapper